Monday, August 22, 2011

Wow. That Session Was Amazing!

For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that I've been having some major issues with my T. I ended up finding a therapist that I first met with about a week and a half ago - it was that initial "interview" session. Right away I felt this connection to her. Things just felt so right and there was a very powerful energy in the room.

Today I had my first official session with her - wow. That session was AMAZING!

On my way home from my session, I called my T (who I have been seeing for over 5 years) and told her that I wasn't going to be seeing her anymore. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off of my shoulders!

Anyway, back to my new T!!

I have an alter who is under the age of 10, and who is always so so angry. She comes out and breaks things, tears things apart, sets fires, bangs her head, yells and screams, ruins anything she can get her hands on. Lately she has been having memories surface and it has been a real struggle for everyone in the system. My old T was afraid to work with her so that alter never came out during our sessions.

Well, today she came out during our first session with new T and WOW! Words cannot describe how amazing this T is. Not only did she meet this alter - new T talked with her the entire 60 minutes, and was so great with her that this alter didn't want to leave. For those of you who have an alter like this, you know how rare this is. This alter, who has hated everything and everyone for as long as I can remember, left today's session with a smile on her face. A SMILE!

Today's session had that same powerful energy - warm, encompassing, friendly, calming. My alters and I pick up on that so fast. I can't believe I've never been able to find her before.

Wow...I'm still just totally baffled and it has been several hours now since the session. I wish everyone could have a therapist who is this amazing.

I'm still "WOW"-ing in my head, over and over again!



  1. I am so glad you found a good T. It makes all the difference.

  2. That is so awesome!!!! It sure makes a difference when you have a T who will connect with not only you but your alters as well.

  3. That is AWESOME!It is great when you can achieve that kind of connection. In my opinion, having a therapist be open to connection to inside ones fosters a connection of the client (you) to those inside ones. I am very happy for you.

  4. I am so happy for you!
    What a relief that must be.


  5. I'm really happy for you. What was it about her that made it so good?

  6. Sunshine- Thanks!

    Healing- Totally :)

    Lothlorien- Exactly. And I've been waiting for a therapist who would do exactly that. It is what my alters need. Thanks :)

    Tobinvisable- Thank you!

    Candycan- She has this positive glow. Her whole countenance has this positive radiance that flows throughout and you can feel it because it is just so strong. And she really cares and truly listens when you talk to her. When she doesn't understand something, she takes the time and effort to try to understand to the best of her ability. Every decision made is mutual between her and me and my alters. I could go on but then it would make this comment really long...she is just so amazing. I wish everyone could have a T like her.


  7. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful therapist, but it took me years to find her :) What a difference a good T makes! Good for you for getting the courage up to move on when the time was right. That can be very hard to do. :)
