The word irritation makes me think of a mosquito bite. No matter where a mosquito bite might be on your body, it can drive you absolutely crazy!
Scratching it provides temporary relief, but then the itch seems to come back ten times worse.
Rubbing it also provides temporary relief, but it still itches.
Smacking it, tapping it, or putting weight on it also provides temporary relief, but it still itches.
Mosquito bites basically irritate you to no end for several days, until they finally disappear.
Today my whole body felt like a mosquito bite. I did not want anyone around me. Don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't touch me, don't do anything to me, for me, or with me. Basically, leave me alone!
Of course, my parents didn't understand this. My mom insisted that I would feel better if I "just tried a little harder". Nope. It just doesn't work like that.
Irritation. I hate the way it feels.
It's a horrible way to feel! I hope you feel better tomorrow.